Kleinmachnow – Candidate for Chancellor Olaf Scholz was able to convince a few weeks ago, even the user-friendliness of the procedure, as he is the new laboratory of the Ayna Analytics GmbH in Potsdam opened. The actual method of analysis is performed digitally, so that the pharmacy can give the results of the test flexibly. Originally, this method of testing as an In-process has been developed to control and release analysis for the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore meets all the requirements of the GMP guidelines.
David Mainka, managing Director and a licensed pharmacist says: "to Me, it is particularly important to the pharmacies in the area of identification of complex raw materials, but also to support the quantitative defektur analysis. I think it is an important component to ensure long-term, the special position of pharmacies in Germany.“
The analytical challenges in the public pharmacy in the field of processing of cannabis flower or cannabis extracts as a recipe starting materials are challenging and require a high level of documentation of time spent by the pharmacy staff (in addition to the analytical Routine). This is mainly due to the requirements of §6 and §11 of the pharmacy operation procedure to be carried out after at least the identity testing in the pharmacy itself. The confusion of the output consequences can be, and sometimes fatal, such as the annual mortality rates in the world show.
The seconds fast, non-destructive identification of cannabis flowers takes place in the pharmacy and allows Pharmacopoeia compliant near infrared method of Ayna authorities safely.
Unique is that all the documentation and integration is carried out by a validated data line. Using e-signature and Cloud-based connection to the personnel and resources required for the pharmacies to a minimum.
On-site pharmacist only requires an Internet connection and two outlets for the computer and the NIR spectrometer, everything that can be digital will be covered, and allowed the pharmacist maximum flexibility in the earnings release.
The simultaneous determination of THC and CBD content is possible. In the future, content and identity can be determined in one step.