Laura Rodríguez García and David Mainka examine in Kleinmachnow medicines and rely on innovative technology. To be able to narcotics check, you had to install even an armored door and steel-reinforced concrete walls.
Kleinmachnow. Sometimes techno is born progress directly in front of the door. In the Europarc Dreilinden Kleinmachnow was opened on Friday with the support of the SPD candidate for Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a new testing lab, in the pharmaceutical destruction-free ingredients to be investigated. How important that was, the last drug and vaccine scandals, says David Mainka, one of the two managing the Ayna Analytics GmbH. "We will examine whether the drugs actually the inside, what is outside of it".
With new technological procedure is used to determine how high the content of active ingredients in medicines. After all, there were Attempts to bring fake drugs, or those with expired shelf life in the market. "Especially in the case of expensive drugs, there is a lot of money," said Mainka.

Especially for premature and newborn babies, in the treatment of skin diseases, in tumor therapy or pain pumps, there is often no standard prescriptions for drugs, he explains. Therefore, would be manufactured in pharmacies or hospitals still, many medicines themselves. Thus, the dose can be individually adapted to the patients. The verification of the identity of raw materials that are processed in the pharmacies, it is even required by law. "There are still thousands of people die every year in the world of Drug mix-UPS," adds Mainka.
The Potsdamer leads the company together with Laura Rodríguez García. Together, they have a new analysis method in the so-called Near-infrared spectroscopy is developed. Special light rays, which are visible to the human eye, measuring the concentration of the ingredients. Through specially in the company and in the 3D print custom mounts drugs can be studied and developed in unopened packaging. As the rays of light in the infrared range are very low in energy, this method is particularly gentle. Light sensitive drugs can be studied without being damaged.

Narcotics, for the particularly strict laws will be reviewed in Ayna Analytics. All employees have a special handling permission of the authority. "Every gram that is moved, it must be carefully documented," says managing Director García. A private room had to be rebuilt in accordance with the. Twenty-centimeter-thick steel-reinforced concrete walls, a 900-kilogram armored door, as well as a second security door with metal grille protects the anesthetic from unauthorized access. "The lines for the electrics were installed in special angles through the walls so nothing is stolen can be," says the entrepreneur more. On the body noise sensors in the walls and Ceilings, an alarm circuit is also straight to the police.
The two young entrepreneurs are proud of what you have built. "We see ourselves as a service provider for pharmacies," says Mainka. The measuring devices, which cost between 80 000 and 100 000 euros, to be rented. Tests can then be carried out directly on the spot. A time - and logistically complicated to Send samples, and the results are available in just a few minutes.
"Our methods are tested, all of the devices product set book compliant and are regularly maintained." So many different ingredients can be examined. The Name of the company that goes back to the Spanish native village of the mother of Laura García. "Ayna means source," she says, "and we go all the medicines here, too, to the reason".
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